Summer School

This summer we provided our communities with a summer enrichment program that was for K-6 students.  The program started on June 6th and went through June 23rd. Classes were provided Monday through Thursday from 9:00 to 11:30.  Every student received reading, math, and writing instruction.    During the reading block students focused on fiction and non fiction literature that was at their reading level.  Student’s writing block consisted of making connections to the text they were reading and specific writing standards that were age appropriate.  For math, students worked on foundational skills and gathering a better understanding of their basic facts.  As students left the building they were provided a sack lunch.  

We would like to thank everyone involved in making this program a success this year.  The staff that instructed our students were Mrs. Mumm, Mrs. Keith, Ms. Eicklenborg, Ms. Eiffler, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Oelschlager.  Thank you to Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Nicholas for providing lunches for our students.  We would also like to thank Mr. Bystricky for providing transportation everyday.  Lastly we would like to thank our students for coming with a great work ethic and trying their best.